Help us write, publish and promote 'The Startup Manifesto'
The Concept...
A crowdsourced book for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs.
The Theme...
Building and scaling your business in a connected world.
The Context...
The digital age has changed the rules of business. Old industrial
management strategies and hierarchical processes just don't work. Our plan is to explore the following questions in partnership with proven entrepreneurs and business consultants and then to bring together their thoughts and insights into an engaging, concise and actionable manifesto.
Here are a few of the questions that we will be exploring;
How do you define and communicate your purpose and vision?
How do you build and maintain successful partnerships between founding partners?
How do you avoid distractions and focus on the things that really matter?
How can you use digital systems and technologies to automate and accelerate key parts of your business?
How do you build an effective advisory board?
How do you optimise the information and data that flows through your business?
How do you create a working culture of continuous learning and experimentation?
How do you hire the right people and create the conditions for them to be at their best?
If you would like to contribute and get involved, even in the smallest of ways, please get in touch.