Are you Ready for Convergence?
19th - 23rd June 2017, Villa Averoff, Evia
Flexible pricing options available from €0 - €500
This summer a diverse group of purpose-driven activists and entrepreneurs will gather on the stunning Villa Averoff estate in Evia, Greece. This is an opportunity for new and old friends to connect, reflect and unwind with each other. But there is a deeper purpose too.
#PowWow is the annual convergence of One Planet Productions.
Our vision is nothing short of the bioregional-scale regeneration of people and place. To do this, we seek to align purpose-driven startup enterprise with a wider mission "to unite and transform", building on foundations laid by two extraordinary gatherings in summer 2016, hosted by the spectacular POY and IO Collectives.
In 2017 #PowWow is our in-house remix.
This is an opportunity to grow together as a tribe and a movement. We're interested in building lasting, committed relationships with people and projects who care deeply and act decisively.​ This is more than another conference or co-working retreat. #PowWow is an invitation to become an active participant in something extraordinary.
We've done the hard yards. Let's swarm together to make this dream come true.
We know that in 2017 it is time to go deeper. We're ready to activate a regional project development agency in service of the better world our hearts know is possible. Whether you're a nomadic disruptive innovator, local community activist or trail-blazing social investor - if this call to adventure speaks to you, then join us for #PowWow.
How does it work? (part 1)
"It's all about purpose"
"It all starts with your commitment. You pay €0 - 500 (depending on your unique circumstances) for a 5 day retreat in an historic villa on a beautiful Greek island."
"We pitch our vision and strategy for bioregional-scale regeneration over 10 action packed sessions; a process which will itself represent the final consultation of an initial R&D deep dive, happening right now on Evia."
"We crowd-source the talent, knowledge, social reach and investment we need to "fill in the blanks". Together, we combine to make One Planet Productions investment-ready in 2017."
Ready to dive deeper?
Is this the Right Moment?
Evia is a uniquely biodiverse and fertile land; an underdeveloped municipality only 2 hours from Athens, a major European hub. Key stakeholders are already aligned around a common vision towards a revitalised social and solidarity economy. A critical mass is imminent.
In a world increasingly out of balance, we have an opportunity to prototype the future here. #PowWow will bring together some of Europe's leading innovators, major local landowners, grassroots networks of peer producers and established NGOs in support of Evia's most fertile and diverse ecosystem.
Re-imagining how we live and work in the 21st Century.
Transform Evia is a purpose-driven DMO: a vision and strategy for the long term regenerative development of our target municipality in Central Greece. This is about more than sustainable tourism; it's about regenerating the rural by co-creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem dedicated to the Social and Solidarity Economy.
Meanwhile, all over Europe the food we buy creates the market forces that influence what farmers grow. Our individual food choices are compounded by the billion and together impact the world like no socioeconomic juggernaut ever known. Today, our most positive, life-sustaining human endeavour – the growing and eating of food – has become deeply destructive, with serious consequences for people and the planet.
We believe that ordinary people hold the power to transform our food system. That's why in 2017 we're launching Origin Club: a conscious trade network built on principles of democracy, transparency, agility and autonomy.
We're ready for lift-off. #PowWow is your call to adventure.
We invite your commitment as we dive deeper to explore the meta-narratives and subtle nuances of a live social experiment on the grandest of scales. Don't be a passenger - no matter what your interest or expertise you're encouraged to become a stakeholder in our multi-stakeholder Cooperative Society.
Share your insight as we crowdsource the startup acceleration of three interwoven initiatives - already established on the ground with good early traction - or simply support our endeavour with your investment of time, commitment and capital.
Learn more about our three "MVP" startup initiatives:
Origin Club, our European-scale conscious trade network.
ENA Food, a local CSA scheme on North Evia island.
"Camp X", our MVP research farm and innovation lab on the Averoff estate.
Demonstrating an integrative and iterative model for economic and cultural development
A regional development agency for Evia: "to facilitate co-production and promote investment in the social and solidarity economy."
A non-profit association to empower a transition to a thriving social and solidarity economy on Evia. Our "forum for the future."
A vision and strategy to establish Evia as a leading European hub for sustainable tourism and regenerative land-use strategies.
A supportive framework for the adoption of agroecology within the wider context of "community supported" agriculture and trade.
It's all about how we relate to one another. We're building the physical infrastructures and meta-narratives we need to go deeper.
Framed as a participatory design challenge over 5 days of playful exploration, this brand new startup venture seeks to crowdsource best practice and inspire long-term, meaningful relationships with a global design community.
Day 1: Empathise
"Who am I, why am I here and how do I feel?"
Session 1: Storytelling and deep listening.
Day 2: Define
"What is happening here - is this the Right Moment?"
Session 2: One Planet Productions - a regional Project Development Agency for Evia - establishing our organisational pattern.
Session 3: SSE Evaluation and insight session - building the business case(s) for framing Evia as bioregional exemplar.
Session 4: Acclimatisation - Traditional Greek dance masterclass.
Day 3: Ideate
"What are my unique gifts and talents?"
Session 5: Origin Club - implementing a simple and scalable model for Community Supported Trade in Greece and across Europe.
Session 6: ENA Food - supporting a local scheme for Community Supported Agriculture on Evia.
Session 7: Camp X - initiating a "minimum viable" research farm and innovation lab on Evia.
Day 4: Prototype
"How can we share this experience?"
Session 8: Communications ("Branding 2.0") - Engaging key stakeholders, targeting our core audience and clarifying our common purpose to build lasting and committed relationships.
Session 9: Finance (Building our common wealth) - unlocking pension-scale investment in community-led development. Aligning our product architecture and growth strategy with non-extractive capital.
Session 3: Closing and feedback.
Day 5: Test
"What is my commitment level?"
Session 10: We're ready for activation - claim your sweat equity and become a full fledged member of our multi-stakeholder Cooperative Society.
How does it work? (part 2)
"Building lasting and committed relationships"
"You activate your option to claim €250 in community shares as a reward for your co-creativity, thereby becoming a fully fledged member of our UK registered, multi-stakeholder Cooperative Society."
"We build on this early traction to successfully raise our seed round, and thereby begin a long and fruitful co-creative journey together, sharing in both risks and rewards along the way."
"Our long term activity brings greater democracy and transparency - as well as new SSE opportunities - to diverse stakeholders across four key sectors in an underdeveloped municipality of rural Greece."