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Euboea Innovation Lab
Autumn 2017
The Plan
Raise funding. Build a team. Run an innovation lab.
Launch a movement. Regenerate a region.
A new wave of 'purpose-driven' tourism is emerging. Individuals, families and organisations are searching for beautiful locations across the world to run retreats, micro-festivals and conferences. They don't just want to lie on a beach and stay in a nice hotel. They want to connect, learn and co-create with likeminded people from across the world.
We believe that the island region of Euboea can become a leading destination in Europe for this new emerging tourism market. However, before we can attract large-scale funding we need to undertake a rigorous masterplanning, business development, stakeholder engagement and architectural design process. We have mapped out the possibilities, run prototype retreats and engaged with landowners. However, to take our vision to the next level requires seed funding.
To accelerate the design process we will rent out a Villa for 28 days and recruit a specialist team of local and international co-creators and mentors (architects, entrepreneurs, scientists, 3D artists, planners, event producers, builders, farmers and engineers). Together, we will work towards a showcase investor retreat, where we will present our masterplan for the region.
We are looking for funders who believe in our vision and our team's ability to work hard, learn fast and create value.
Take the risk. Share the ride.

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